Mohawk St: East of Martinazzi Ave at PGE


Built! The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian safety and access across Mohawk Street. The project includes installation of a pedestrian activated beacon at an existing midblock crosswalk. This project completes an earlier project that the City and PGE built to add ADA curb ramps and a crosswalk on Mohawk, which is heavily used by pedestrians from surrounding businesses. This phase of the project will add pedestrian activated flashing beacons (RRFBs) to the crosswalk to better alert drivers that people are crossing the street.

For questions or to receive quarterly project updates email:

The Regional Context:

What Tualatin Residents May Notice About Traffic Congestion


Most Congested Metro Area

Portland is the nation’s 40th largest – but #12 most congested metro area (of 297 metro cities)

Most Congested in North America

#13 in North America (319 cities) – more congested than any city in Mexico and every Canadian city except Montreal.

Most Congested in the World

#40 most congested in world (1,360 cities)


Portland area congestion is worst at peak commute hours, but now present at all times of day/week

Most Congested U.S. Cities**

  • 1 Honolulu
  • 2 Jacksonville
  • 3 San Diego
  • 4 Los Angeles
  • 5 Portland

* Source: INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard, February 2018
** Source: WAZE Driver Satisfaction Index, December 2017