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    The Regional Context:

    What Tualatin Residents May Notice About Traffic Congestion


    Most Congested Metro Area

    Portland is the nation’s 40th largest – but #12 most congested metro area (of 297 metro cities)

    Most Congested in North America

    #13 in North America (319 cities) – more congested than any city in Mexico and every Canadian city except Montreal.

    Most Congested in the World

    #40 most congested in world (1,360 cities)


    Portland area congestion is worst at peak commute hours, but now present at all times of day/week

    Most Congested U.S. Cities**

    • 1 Honolulu
    • 2 Jacksonville
    • 3 San Diego
    • 4 Los Angeles
    • 5 Portland

    * Source: INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard, February 2018
    ** Source: WAZE Driver Satisfaction Index, December 2017